Parenteral & Injectable Forms

NoATCActive IngredientDosagePack/QuantityPharmaceutical Form
1M (Musculo-skeletal system)Meloxicam15mg/1.5ml3I.M ampoules
2M (Musculo-skeletal system)Thiocolchicoside4mg/2ml6IM ampoule
3N (Nervous system)Paracetamol10 mg/ml, 100ml12IV, Vial
4C (Cardiovascular system)Dobutamine250 mg/20 ml10IV, Ampoule
5N (Nervous system)Midazolam15 mg/3 ml5IM/IV, Ampoule
6N (Nervous system)Tramadole HCl100mg/2ml5IV/IM/SC, Ampoule
7A (Alimentary tract and metabolism)Calcitriol 1mcg/ml25IV, Ampoule
8C (Cardiovascular system)Ibuprofen10mg/2ml4IV, Ampoule
9B (Blood and blood forming organs)Kali Chloride7.5% - 10 ml10Ampoule
10A (Alimentary tract and metabolism)Calcium (Gluconat)10% - 10 ml10Ampoule
11N (Nervous system)Diazepam10 mg/2 ml10Ampoule
12B (Blood and blood forming organs)Sodium bicarbonate8.4% - 10 ml10Ampoule
13C (Cardiovascular system)Noradrenaline4 mg/4 ml10Ampoule
14A (Alimentary tract and metabolism)Atropine1 mg/ml, 1ml10Ampoule
15A (Alimentary tract and metabolism)Ondansetron8mg/4ml1Ampoule
16J (Antiinfectives for systemic use)Ciprofloxacin200mg/100ml1PVC Vial
17B (Blood and blood forming organs)Heparin25000IU/5ml1Vial
18 Vitamin B complex
  • (Thiamine hydrochloride ............ 25.0 mg
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride………10.0 mg
  • Riboflavin 5-phosphate ...............5 mg
  • Cyanocobalamin ..........................0.03 mg
  • D-Panthenol……………………..5.0 mg
  • Niacinamide ............................... 50.0 mg)
2 ml 5 Ampoule
19 B (Blood and blood forming organs)
  • L-Fenilalanin 0.88 g/100 mL
  • L-Histidin 0.25 mg/100 mL
  • L-İzolösin 0.56 g/100 mL
  • L-Lizin 0.64 g/100 mL
  • L-Lösin 0.88 g/100 mL
  • L-Metiyonin 0.88 g/100 mL
  • L-Treonin 0.4 g/100 mL
  • L-Triptofan 0.2 g/100 mL
  • L-Valin 0.64 g/100 mL
  • Sistein Hidroklorür (L-Sistein Hidroklorür) 0.02 g/100 mL
  • Sodyum Bisülfit 0.05 g/100 mL
500 ml 1 Infusion Bottle